We need to take back our data.
Our data is a part of us. It's intimate and personal, and we have basic rights to it. It should be protected from unwanted touch.
We need a comprehensive data privacy law. This law should protect all information about us, and not be limited merely to financial or health information. It should limit others' ability to buy and sell our information without our knowledge and consent. It should allow us to see information about us held by others, and correct any inaccuracies we find. It should prevent the government from going after our information without judicial oversight. It should enforce data deletion, and limit data collection, where necessary. And we need more than token penalties for deliberate violations.

On another note, Brewster Kahle of Open Library fame, recently announced that the Internet Archive and he had been served with one of those pesky national security letters demanding information about one of its users. Kahle was under a gag order but the term of the settlement which ended the the demand allows him to comment on the incident.